Council Resolution - Amend Draft Berry Showground Master Plan

At Council's Ordinary Council Meeting on 11 December 2023 (MIN23.739) it was resolved:

That Council:

1. Accept the Draft Berry Showground Master Plan – Outcome of Engagement Activity report as an interim report about feedback received during public exhibition of the Draft Berry Showground Master Plan.

2. Revisit the proposed amendments to the draft Master Plan to ensure:

  1. The inclusion of a goal and objectives as requested in community feedback.
  2. There is a resident, rather than tourist, focus to the priority projects.
  3. The ‘Landscape Masterplan’ meets the concerns in the community feedback.

3. Direct the CEO (Director - City Lifestyles) to submit a revised Master Plan to the Council at a future Ordinary Council Meeting for consideration and final adoption of the Berry Showground Master Plan.

The Open Space & Recreation Planning team will now implement amendments to the Master Plan and associated Master Plan Report, in line with the Council’s direction.

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