Bay and Basin Skate Park

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Consultation has concluded

In response to population growth in the Bay and Basin area, Council is developing the Bayand Basin Leisure Centre and surrounding sporting precinct to create a ‘Community and Sporting’ Hub. In October 2019, Council endorsed the location of the Bay and Basin Skate Park, and the project progressed to detailed design in May 2021 and is currently scheduled to be delivered in the first phase.

The proposed location sits adjacent to the heavily utilised Bay and Basin Leisure Centre, and is located on a portion of land south of the built form and north east of the existing carpark. The

In response to population growth in the Bay and Basin area, Council is developing the Bayand Basin Leisure Centre and surrounding sporting precinct to create a ‘Community and Sporting’ Hub. In October 2019, Council endorsed the location of the Bay and Basin Skate Park, and the project progressed to detailed design in May 2021 and is currently scheduled to be delivered in the first phase.

The proposed location sits adjacent to the heavily utilised Bay and Basin Leisure Centre, and is located on a portion of land south of the built form and north east of the existing carpark. The site is surrounded by native bushland that has a number of walking trails, and the Vincentia High School and Public School are both located within a short distance from the proposed development. The proposed site has strong connections with the leisure centre, which will provide a number of ongoing activation opportunities for the facility, with the adjacent carpark providing opportunities for end users to travel to the facility via vehicle.

The development of the proposed skate park and broader precinct provides an opportunity for Council to provide active recreation infrastructure that will become a key community asset and a contemporary skate park that meets current industry trends. The space will be available to all demographics and provides an opportunity to lift the public profile of the youth within the Vincentia and broader Shoalhaven community. With the existing site features, the facility will create a dynamic and activated youth space with connections to the natural landscape setting offering recreational and social experiences for all members of the community to enjoy.


The draft concept design is inspired by the iconic coastal location of Vincentia and the nearby picturesque sandy shores that surround it. Situated on the same site as the Bay and Basin Leisure Centre it is key for the design of the skate park to complement the design language of the leisure centre and form part of a holistic precinct, helping to develop a larger more inviting community asset. The concept design uses sandy and earthy tones, natural rock and stone materials combined with vibrant coping highlights that draw inspiration from the material use in the footpath connections and landscape features around the leisure centre. This unique combination of material use and colours forms a unique destination within the local and wider regional context.


The facility will be muti- discipline cater to all wheeled sports and skill levels and provide a mix of street and transition features, as well as shade and spectating opportunities. Active space interventions within the Shoalhaven municipality will provide key community assets that will be utilised by both the current and future generations, enhancing social interactions and providing enjoyable and more liveable communities.

Key changes to be developed include:

  • Mini bowl area increased, and corner extension added to provide additional advanced level features.
  • Additional ledges added to street area.
  • Street area increased, and features varied to broaden appeal and increase capacity.
  • Stair set added to central flow area.
  • China Bank adjusted to better complement new stair set addition and allow potential fly out options.
  • Two bins and drinks fountain near the entrance and shelter areas proposed as provisional items for future works.
  • Secondary shelter proposed as provisional item for future works.

Supporting Amenity and Proposed Future Works include:

  • Drinks Fountain (provisional)
  • Shade Shelter
  • Concrete Seating
  • Bins (provisional)
  • Secondary Shade Shelter
  • Meandering Footpath
  • Robust Planting
  • Spectator Seating
  • Informal Connection Paths
  • Shade/ Boundary Trees

Skate Works include:

  • 1000H Quarter Pipe
  • Quarter Pipe Hips
  • 350H Mogul
  • 1000H Mini Bowl
  • 1400H Escalating Corner Extension
  • 350H Ledge + Slider Rail
  • Bank to Ledge + Manny Pad
  • ‘China’ Bank Hubba Ledge
  • Stair Set
  • Down and Out Rail
  • Flat Bank Hip blend
  • 600H Whippy Quarter to Kerb
  • 1500H Quarter Pipe Extension
  • 900H Quarter Pipe
  • 1200 High Corner Extension
  • 800H Love Seat
  • 300H Flat Bank
Consultation has concluded
  • Project Paused

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    The Bay & Basin Skate Park project has been placed on pause, in accordance with Council Meeting MIN24.187 (08/04/2024), until Council’s financial position improves.

    MIN24/187 - Endorse placing the Bay and Basin skate park construction on pause until Council’s financial position improves (unfunded $885,000)

    For more information about the work we are doing to improve our financial sustainability, please visit our Financial Sustainability Program webpage.

  • Project Update

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    Council is currently preparing the request for tender for the construction of the Bay and Basin Skate Park is to be released in the coming months.

    Construction is expected to begin in late 2023.

  • Project Update

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    The detailed design has been completed and is currently being reviewed. The construction of the skate park is estimated to commence late 2023.

    If you have any enquiries in relation to this project, please do not hesitate to contact Anthony Meta (02) 4429 3676 or stay up to date on this project by subscribing to this Get Involved web page.

  • Project Update

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    The detail design is currently being reviewed with minor refinements to be added. Once the detailed design has been completed the tender process for construction will be initiated. The construction of the skate park will commence in late 2023.

    Community Consultation

    The online advertising campaign included the sharing of the digital flyer on Convic’s social media pages, through local businesses and contacts and Council's social media networks.

    The pre-design consultation outcomes were summarised to inform a community responsive design brief for the proposed Bay and Basin Skate Park. The information collected from the online survey has informed this brief. These are outlined thematically and will be used as the foundation for the development of the concept design.


    The detailed design is currently being reviewed with minor refinements to be added. Once the detailed design has been completed the tender process for construction will be initiated. The construction of the skate park will commencer in late 2023.

    If you have any enquiries in relation to this project, please do not hesitate to contact Anthony Meta (02) 4429 3676 or stay up to date on this project by subscribing to the Get Involved web page.

  • Project Update

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    The final designs for the Bay and Basin Skate Park are now complete.

    In addition to the skatepark project, Council is currently seeking architectural design services to masterplan the entire Bay and Basin precinct including provisions to refurbish the Bay and Basin Leisure Centre and sports fields. Given the significance of these projects, Council staff will brief Councillors after the Local Government election. A Councillors briefing will occur early in the new year to ensure the new Council are informed about the future of this important precinct.

    Council will keep the community informed via this Get Involved page.

  • Update

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    Detailed design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park has been finalised and approved.

    The detailed design package expands upon the adopted concept design of the skate park, providing construction ready plans to deliver the project.

    The Final Concept Design can be viewed in the 'Document Library' on this web page.

    Council staff will now proceed to assigning a project manager to the project and preparing a Tender for construction.

  • Advice of Council Resolution

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    On 19 January 2021 at Council’s Strategy and Assets Committee meeting, Council resolved the following: 

    RESOLVED (MIN21.19)

    That Council:

    1. Adopt the Final Concept Design Report for the Bay and Basin Skate Park.

    2. Progress the project to Detailed Design stage.

    Council staff will now progress the concept of the Bay and Basin Skate Park to the detailed design phase.

  • Concept Design Update

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    A report regarding the Bay and Basin Skate Park is expected to be considered at Council’s Strategy and Assets Committee meeting on Tuesday, 19 January 2021. The purpose of the report is to seek Council approval of the skate park concept, prior to proceeding to detailed design.

    The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:00pm and will be held in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building. Due to social distancing requirements at this time, the Council Chambers are closed to the public. The meeting can however be live-streamed or viewed at a later time through the Council Meetings web page.

    A copy of the report can be viewed on the Agenda and Minutes web page on the Friday prior to the meeting.

  • Have your say on the draft concept design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park

    Share Have your say on the draft concept design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park on Facebook Share Have your say on the draft concept design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park on Twitter Share Have your say on the draft concept design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park on Linkedin Email Have your say on the draft concept design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park link
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    Community consultation will occur between Friday 20 November and Sunday 6 December 2020 to provide feedback on the draft design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park.

    To get involved, simply view the Bay and Basin Skate Park video and complete the online survey.

    We would love to capture your thoughts on the draft design of the new Bay and Basin Skate Park.

  • Have Your Say Towards Designing the Bay and Basin Skate Park

    Share Have Your Say Towards Designing the Bay and Basin Skate Park on Facebook Share Have Your Say Towards Designing the Bay and Basin Skate Park on Twitter Share Have Your Say Towards Designing the Bay and Basin Skate Park on Linkedin Email Have Your Say Towards Designing the Bay and Basin Skate Park link
    Thank you for your input. This survey has now closed.
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    Community consultation will occur between Monday 20 July and Sunday 9 August 2020 to inform the design of the Bay and Basin Skate Park.

    To get involved, simply view the Bay and Basin Skate Park video and complete the online survey.

    We would love to capture your thoughts to assist with the design of the new Bay and Basin Skate Park.