Bay and Basin Leisure Centre Refurbishment

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Consultation has concluded

The Bay & Basin Leisure Centre in Vincentia is owned and operated by Shoalhaven City Council. 

Facilities currently provided at the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre include:

  • Leisure pool/ learn-to-swim pool
  • 25m Lap pool
  • Waterslide
  • 24/7 Gym access
  • Café
  • Gym Classes
  • Aqua Classes
  • Spin bikes/ classes
  • Creche
  • Fitness room

The Bay & Basin Leisure Centre was originally developed in 2001 and is now in need of refurbishments to ensure it continues to meet the changing needs to the Bay & Basin communities into the future.

Bay & Basin Leisure Centre is one of 4 aquatic parks and leisure centres in Shoalhaven, alongside the Nowra and Bomaderry aquatic parks and Ulladulla Leisure Centre. Shoalhaven City Council also owns and operates the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre in Bomaderry, which forms part of the Shoalhaven Community and Recreation Precinct (SCaRP).


In 2021, Council resolved to proceed with the development of concept designs to illustrate how a refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre might be achieved.

Plans were originally developed in 2016. These plans were further revised in 2018, based on community feedback.

In February 2022, Co-Op studios was selected to provide concept design and detailed design services for the refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre.

Co-Op developed 4 concept design options, which were presented to Council in September 2022. A preferred option was identified, and then further developed in response to feedback provided by Councillors.

Revised concept design plans were presented to Council in February 2023. Option 4 was selected to be the basis for further design development work and community consultation.

  • Phase 1 - concept design: 100% complete.
  • Phase 2 – community consultation: Oct. 2023 onwards.
  • Phase 3 – detailed design: 0% complete (yet to commence).

Phase 1 & 2 are funded by Shoalhaven City Council, in the Delivery Program Operational Plan 2022/23. 

Phase 3 is funded by Shoalhaven City Council, in the Delivery Program Operational Plan 2023/24. 

Funding is yet to be committed for future phases, including construction. 

Bay & Basin Leisure Centre Precinct Master Plan

Refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre and surrounding precinct has been designed to be delivered in 3 stages.


A new skate park will be installed directly adjacent to the existing Bay & Basin Leisure Centre forecourt & car park. The skate park will become an integrated part of a revitalised forecourt once Stage 2 is delivered.


It is envisaged proposed upgrades to the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre will include:


The final stage of works will deliver enhancements to the sportsground precinct, including multi-use courts and amenities.

The Bay & Basin Leisure Centre in Vincentia is owned and operated by Shoalhaven City Council. 

Facilities currently provided at the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre include:

  • Leisure pool/ learn-to-swim pool
  • 25m Lap pool
  • Waterslide
  • 24/7 Gym access
  • Café
  • Gym Classes
  • Aqua Classes
  • Spin bikes/ classes
  • Creche
  • Fitness room

The Bay & Basin Leisure Centre was originally developed in 2001 and is now in need of refurbishments to ensure it continues to meet the changing needs to the Bay & Basin communities into the future.

Bay & Basin Leisure Centre is one of 4 aquatic parks and leisure centres in Shoalhaven, alongside the Nowra and Bomaderry aquatic parks and Ulladulla Leisure Centre. Shoalhaven City Council also owns and operates the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre in Bomaderry, which forms part of the Shoalhaven Community and Recreation Precinct (SCaRP).


In 2021, Council resolved to proceed with the development of concept designs to illustrate how a refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre might be achieved.

Plans were originally developed in 2016. These plans were further revised in 2018, based on community feedback.

In February 2022, Co-Op studios was selected to provide concept design and detailed design services for the refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre.

Co-Op developed 4 concept design options, which were presented to Council in September 2022. A preferred option was identified, and then further developed in response to feedback provided by Councillors.

Revised concept design plans were presented to Council in February 2023. Option 4 was selected to be the basis for further design development work and community consultation.

  • Phase 1 - concept design: 100% complete.
  • Phase 2 – community consultation: Oct. 2023 onwards.
  • Phase 3 – detailed design: 0% complete (yet to commence).

Phase 1 & 2 are funded by Shoalhaven City Council, in the Delivery Program Operational Plan 2022/23. 

Phase 3 is funded by Shoalhaven City Council, in the Delivery Program Operational Plan 2023/24. 

Funding is yet to be committed for future phases, including construction. 

Bay & Basin Leisure Centre Precinct Master Plan

Refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre and surrounding precinct has been designed to be delivered in 3 stages.


A new skate park will be installed directly adjacent to the existing Bay & Basin Leisure Centre forecourt & car park. The skate park will become an integrated part of a revitalised forecourt once Stage 2 is delivered.


It is envisaged proposed upgrades to the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre will include:


The final stage of works will deliver enhancements to the sportsground precinct, including multi-use courts and amenities.

Consultation has concluded
  • Project Paused

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    The Bay & Basin Leisure Centre Refurbishment project has been placed on pause, in accordance with MIN24.141 (25/03/2024), until Council’s financial position improves.

    For more information about the work we are doing to improve our financial sustainability, please visit our Financial Sustainability Program webpage.

  • Report – Bay & Basin Leisure Centre – Outcomes of Engagement Activity

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    At the upcoming 20 May Ordinary Council Meeting, Council will consider a report regarding the outcomes of the November 2023 engagement activity.

    The contents of the report will be as follows:

    • Present the engagement data
    • Suggest amendments to the project scope

    To view the report and full agenda of the 20 May 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, go to Council’s Agenda and Minutes webpage.

    We will continue to publish project updates to this page. To stay informed, be sure to subscribe to the page by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button in the top-righthand corner of this page.


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    Council would like to thank everyone who participated in the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre Refurbishment survey and those who attended the pop-up information session at the Leisure Centre on 16 November.

    The purpose of the survey was for you to provide feedback on the proposed concept plans for the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre.

    338 people completed the survey. This is a great result!

    Around 60 people engaged with our teams and the Project Architect at the pop-up information session, and provided in-person feedback on the day.


    63.5% of survey respondents are regular users of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre, as indicated by usage data. Results suggest that 84.9% of survey participants plan to use the facility at least once a week after the refurbishments.

    The facilities that received the most support were:

    • Gym (70.8%)
    • Sportsground Amenities (64.2%)
    • Waterslide (60.1%)
    • Skatepark (49.7%).

    The facilities that received the least support were:

    • Netball Courts (36.8%)
    • Community Meeting Rooms (31.9%).

    Noteworthy suggestions for amendments include:

    • Additional Recreation Facilities, such as indoor sports facilities, fitness rooms, spa and sauna (65 responses)
    • Demand for a 50-meter pool (55 responses)
    • Parking Upgrades (24 responses)
    • Family-friendly Change Rooms (14 responses).


    The survey results indicate overall positive support for the refurbishment and proposed facilities. However, it is evident that adjustments may be necessary to align with the evolving expectations of the Bay & Basin community.

    Next Steps:

    Council's project team will prepare a report for discussions with the project architect regarding options for potential amendments to the concept plans in line with the project scope and budget.

    Subsequently, a detailed report outlining proposed amendments will be presented to the Council for consideration at a future Ordinary Council Meeting in 2024.

    We will continue to publish project updates to this page. To stay informed, be sure to subscribe to the page by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button in the top-righthand corner of this page.

  • Bay & Basin Drop-In Session

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    Residents can speak directly to the architect behind the concept designs for the proposed upgrade of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre at an information session to be held this month.

    The project architect from Co.Op Studio will be on hand with Council staff between 10am and 12pm, Thursday 16 November at the leisure centre to talk about the proposed designs as part of the community engagement for the project. 

    This is a great opportunity, particularly for regular users of the leisure centre, to hear more about what’s being proposed and understand the vision and functionality of the designs and to provide your insights directly to the design team.

    For those unable to attend the pop-up information event in person, share your thoughts by completing the Online Survey before it closes on Sunday 26 November 2023.

    The ideas and thoughts expressed at the pop-up event and through the online survey, will be reviewed to determine whether the concept designs align with the community’s vision for this facility.  

  • Share your thoughts on the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre refurbishment

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    Have your say about the proposed concept design for refurbishment of the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre.

    The proposed upgrades have been designed to meet the changing needs of the Bay & Basin communities and to replace aging infrastructure without the need for a prolonged period of closure.

    We will strive to minimise disruption to existing pool facilities and amenities during construction wherever possible. However, certain disruptions will be unavoidable. We will work with stakeholders throughout the construction phase to plan and coordinate impacts during periods of closure.

    The feedback you provide will help us to understand if the concept design aligns with the community’s vision for this facility.

    Survey results will be utilised to determine if there any changes that can be made to the programme (within budget and without resulting significant scope creep) that can be refined during the detailed design phase.

    • Phase 1 & 2 are funded by Shoalhaven City Council, in the Delivery Program Operational Plan 2022/23.
    • Phase 3 is funded by Shoalhaven City Council, in the Delivery Program Operational Plan 2023/24.
    • Funding is yet to be committed for future phases, including construction.

    Please complete the Online Survey, published on this Get Involved page by 5 pm Sunday, 26 November 2023.

  • Council Resolution

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    At Council's Ordinary Meeting on 13 February 2023, it was resolved that Council:

    1. Endorse Concept Design Option 4 for the redevelopment of the Bay and Basin Leisure Centre to be progressed to the detailed design phase.

    2. Endorse the commencement of community engagement and consultation for this project.

    To see the full minutes go to Council's Agenda and Minutes web page.