Rebuilding After Bushfire
A guide has been created to assist people who have been affected by bush fires. The guide takes you through the steps to rebuilding and how to get started.
When rebuilding or repairing your home, there are three main parts to keep in mind:
Part one: your level of risk
Your level of bush fire risk affects your development requirements – the higher the risk, the more protection you need. We use the term ‘bush fire attack level’, or BAL, to quantify this risk.
Part two: your approval pathway
1. Development application – this is the usual process through council
2. Complying development – a fast-track process available for homes with lower level bush fire risk.
Part three: your protection measures Any home built in a bush fire prone area needs protection from bush fire through:
- access
- water and utilities
- a cleared space around the home, known as an
- asset protection zone (APZ)
- design and construction
- landscaping.
For help with other parts of your recovery
- If you feel you need to speak with someone about your experience, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14, beyondblue on 1300 22 4636 or speak to your GP.
- For financial assistance, talk to Disaster Welfare Services or Centrelink.
- For agricultural assistance, talk to the NSW Department of Primary Industries or the Local Land Services
View the full Rebuilding After Bushfire guide here.