Mental Health Advice

Many people will have found the recent bushfire events distressing or emotionally challenging. People can react in a variety of ways to these experiences.
Many people may experience sadness, sleep disturbance, fear or anxiety. It is important to understand that many competent, healthy, strong people will have similar feelings or responses. The response may be experienced immediately or sometimes much later.
Having distressing thoughts and feelings after such events is normal and not a sign of personal weakness. However, when these responses persist or significantly impact on your ability to return to your usual activities it may be necessary to seek additional support.
In particular, children absorb the tension, uncertainty, confusion and fear around them following traumatic events. Try to create a sense of calm. Reassure children that they are safe and that there is someone there to take care of them.
Recovery from exposure to traumatic events is often helped by talking it over with others. People who readily use formal and informal support from family, friends, clergy or other supports generally recover better from stressful situations - prevention is better than cure.
If you experience persistent issues (thoughts or feelings) that interfere with your life you are encouraged to talk to your General Practitioner or health care provider.
In NSW you can contact your local mental health service via the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.
Further information and resources are available on the NSW Health website.
For specific information on how to support children in response to this event, please see the following resource prepared by the Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network.