Have Your Say - Willinga Lake Flood Study
Council has engaged a consultant to undertake a Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the Willinga Lake catchment, and other local catchments along Bawley Point Road and Murramarang Road.
This survey seeks to gather your personal experiences and information on historical flood events to help us complete the flood study. Your survey responses will also assist in identifying solutions which are effective for the management of flood risk and are appropriate for the local community and environment.
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey on this web page by Friday 25 August 2023.
You can also complete the survey, in person, at the drop-in session on Wednesday 16 August 2023 between 3pm and 7pm at the Bawley Point RFS, where you can meet Council staff, local SES volunteers and our consultants working on this project.