Stage 3 Report Now Available!

Council is pleased to share the Final Shoalhaven Open Coast and Jervis Bay CMP Stage 3 Summary Report .
The purpose of Stage 3 of the CMP development process was to identify and evaluate potential management actions to respond to the risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities determined through Stage 2 of the CMP. As part of Stage 3, a long list of potential management actions were developed and then assessed, ranked, and prioritised by the Project Team using a robust, decision-making framework in line with the NSW Coastal Management Framework. Stage 3 concluded with the identification of a short list of management actions to proceed to Stage 4. The Stage 3 Summary Report also outlines the community and stakeholder engagement completed as part of Stage 3.
The Final Shoalhaven Open Coast and Jervis Bay CMP Stage 3 Summary Report is published in the 'Document Library' on this web page.
If you have questions about this report, or the CMP development process, you can contact the Coastal Management Team at or by calling Council on 1300 293 111.