Stage 3 Completed

Stage 3 of Shoalhaven’s Open Coast and Jervis Bay CMP is now complete.
The main aim of Stage 3 was to:
- Develop a long list of potential management actions to address the various risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities identified in Stage 2 of the CMP. This involved reviewing the historical approach to coastal management, engaging with community groups and key stakeholders to capture ideas and viewpoints, and to utilise the knowledge of technical experts.
- The next step was to evaluate the long list of potential management actions to determine which options should be included in the CMP as management actions. This involved developing a succinct list of management actions that are feasible, acceptable and economically viable based on Council’s available budget and resources.
With these management actions identified – the CMP is close to progressing to Stage 4. This involves preparing a detailed program that lists the management actions to be implemented over the next 10 years and when those actions will be implemented, their costs, how they will be funded, and by whom.
The first draft of the Stage 4 CMP document will be placed on public exhibition around October/November 2023.
As part of this public exhibition process:
- The Draft CMP document will be publicly available online for 28 days.
- Council will host a series of community drop-in sessions where you can discuss the draft CMP with the Project Team.
If you provided feedback during Stage 3, you can see how your comments were considered in developing the management actions in Stage 3 - Closing the Loop, which is also published in the 'Document Library' on this web page.