Stages 2 to 4 Delivery - Consultants Engaged

In August 2021, Council commissioned the consultancy team of Water Technology and Molino Stewart to undertake Stages 2 to 4 of this CMP.

It is anticipated that it will take approximately 12 months to progress through Stages 2 to 4. The development of the program will include extensive engagement with the local community, business owners, community groups, indigenous groups, and relevant government agencies.

What happens in Stage 2?

The project is now commencing Stage 2. The purpose of this stage is to understand the issues that affect the environmental, social, cultural, and economic values of the coastal zone. Stage 2 will consider historical events, current conditions, and future trends (including population growth, and climate change).

Stage 2 will define the coastal hazards within the area and build on Council’s existing coastal erosion modelling and mapping of the region and create a risk assessment based on the hazard mapping models. This will help 'complete the picture' of the various kinds of hazards that affect our coastline.

This stage will take place in mid to late 2021. The next stage, Stage 3, will then develop potential management actions that can address key risks, and preserve what we love about the coast.

How can I be involved?

We’d like anybody who is interested in, values, or lives near the coast to have a say in its management.

Council has developed this Get Involved page for the project, which will provide relevant information on the CMP, regular progress updates, and provide a number of ways for the community to have their say. Please forward any questions you have on this project through the 'Questions' tab on this Get Involved web page.

Council is excited to work alongside a highly experienced and professional team at Water Technology and Molino Stewart to develop this CMP. Council will be working closely with the all Coastal Management Program Advisory Committees and wider community as the project progresses.

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