Information Sessions

The Open Coast and Jervis Bay Coastal Management Program (CMP) will be on public exhibition from late November/early December 2023 as part of Stage 4 of the CMP development.
Stage 4 involves public exhibition of the draft CMP document, incorporating details from the technical studies and stakeholder feedback received from previous consultations completed throughout Stages 1 to 3. The draft CMP encompasses a detailed program that lists the management actions to be implemented over the next 10 years - including a schedule of when those actions will be planned for implementation, their associated costs, how they will be funded, and who will be responsible for their implementation.
The draft CMP Stage 4 Report will be available to view shortly, once the public exhibition commences. Subscribe for project updates on this Get Involved page to be notified as soon the public exhibition is live!
Council will be running the following information sessions on the draft CMP, where you can meet the project team who have developed the draft CMP and find out how this will be implemented. Please note that these sessions are not mandatory and feedback can be provided on the draft CMP throughout the entirety of the public exhibition period.
- Where: Ulladulla Civic Centre
- When: Tuesday 12 December 2023
- Time: 4 - 6 pm
- Where: Huskisson Community Centre
- When: Wednesday 13 December 2023
- Time: 4 - 6 pm
- Where: Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre
- When: Thursday 14 December 2023
- Time: 4 - 6 pm
Although registration is optional, you can Register Online to help us plan for the event.
Everyone is welcome!