Find out more about the draft Open Coast and Jervis Bay CMP

The Open Coast and Jervis Bay Coastal Management Program (CMP) is now on public exhibition for community consultation until 2 February 2024 as part of Stage 4 of the CMP development. The draft CMP encompasses a detailed program that lists the management actions to be implemented over the next 10 years - including a schedule of when actions will be planned for implementation, their associated costs, how they will be funded, and who will be responsible for their implementation.
Visual Media is a key engagement method for Council and as such, the project team have developed a short video providing background to this Stage 4 document with can be found here and in the video library of this webpage.
The Open Coast and Jervis Bay CMP covers a study area that includes beaches located along the 165 km of coastline managed by Council - from Shoalhaven Heads in the north, to North Durras in the south. Estuary areas within the Shoalhaven are not included in the study area for this CMP and will be addressed in separate CMPs.
The draft CMP document can be accessed through the document library on this Get Involved webpage. Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey on this web page by 5 pm, Friday 2 February 2024.