Lower Shoalhaven River CMP Stage 3 Report Now Available
Council is pleased to share the Lower Shoalhaven River CMP Stage 3 Report.
The purpose of Stage 3 of the CMP development process was to identify and evaluate potential management actions to respond to the risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities determined through Stage 2 of the CMP. As part of Stage 3, a long list of potential management actions was developed and then assessed, ranked, and prioritised by the Project Team using a robust, decision-making framework in line with the NSW Coastal Management Framework. Stage 3 concluded with the identification of a short list of management actions to proceed to Stage 4. The Stage 3 Summary Report also outlines the community and stakeholder engagement completed as part of Stage 3.
The Lower Shoalhaven River CMP Stage 3 Report is published in the 'Document Library' on this web page. Appendices to the Stage 3 report will be uploaded in the coming weeks.
If you have questions about this report, or the CMP development process, please contact the Coastal Management Team at coastal.management@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au or call Council on 1300 293 111.