Lower Shoalhaven River CMP - Stage 2 and 3 feedback
Did you provide feedback during Stage 2 and 3 of the Lower Shoalhaven River Coastal Management Program (CMP)? See how your comments have been considered by the project team within our Closing the Loop document.
Community consultation was completed during Stage 2 and 3 of the CMP to gain feedback from the community to be used in identifying and developing of the potential management actions for the CMP.
The Closing the Loop document describes how this feedback is being considered.
- It evaluates potential management actions in Stage 3 of the CMP.
- The actions identified will inform the measures adopted in Stage 4 of the CMP.
Stage 3 and 4 of the CMP will be publicly exhibited for further community input before the Lower Shoalhaven River CMP is finalised in early 2025.
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