Council Adopts Policy

At the Development and Environment Committee Meeting on 5 October 2021 Council considered a report (DE21.113) and resolved to adopt the policy without changes (MIN21.699). All of the documents, including the relevant attachments (Page 125 onwards), can be accessed from these links or from the 'Document Library' on this web page.
The adopted Policy can be accessed here. The Policy and the Valuation Reports for Jerberra and Nebraska Estates are also available for viewing in the 'Document Library' on this web page.
This means that owners of residual C2 Environmental Conservation land in the Jerberra Estate can now potentially sell their land to Council (if they wish) subject to an independent land valuation, prepared in accordance with the adopted policy.
This process can be initiated (without any obligation) by:
- Firstly, confirming your property is eligible. Contact Council’s Strategic Planning Section on (02) 4429 3426. To help us assist you, please quote Council reference 2653E/2; and
- Secondly, providing a written expression of interest in selling your property to Council via:
- Email: or
- Write to: The Chief Executive Officer
Shoalhaven City Council
PO Box 42
Please quote Council reference: 3599E and mark your correspondence for the Attention: Technical Services, Property Unit.
The Property Unit will then engage a registered Land Valuer in consultation with the landowner to prepare an independent land valuation.
The Policy will not apply to the Nebraska Estate until the Planning Proposal is finalised and the land has been rezoned.
All affected landowners will be notified in writing.
Consultation has concluded