Council Meeting Notification - Proposed Exhibition - Review of Planning Controls and Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra

Council anticipates that a report on the Proposed Exhibition - Review of Planning Controls and Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra, will be considered by Council’s Development and Environment Committee at its Tuesday, 7 September 2021 meeting.
The Review of Planning Controls and Options for Taylors Lane report presents the outcomes of a review undertaken for Council by consultants Studio GL Pty Ltd The report is published in the 'Document Library' on this web page. The review considers options to retain the trees which are a feature of the current Taylors Lane, following Council’s decision in June 2020 to ‘defer’ a decision on its proposed upgrade as part of the Far North Collector Road project.
The review also considers the existing zoning and potential planning controls for the adjoining land, including the area within the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA) and existing undeveloped zones outside the URA at the eastern end of Taylors Lane.
You can confirm the date of the meeting by checking the agenda which will be available online from the afternoon of the Thursday proceeding the meeting on Council’s Agendas and Minutes web page.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:00 pm and will be held in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building. Due to social distancing requirements at this time, the Council Chambers are closed to the public. You can however view the meeting live on Council’s Webcast web page.
Information on how to make a deputation to the Committee is provided on Council's Deputations Webpage. Before making a deputation request, you should review the report and the recommendations, as you will need to advise whether your deputation will be for or against the report recommendations. For further information, contact Council’s Governance Unit on (02) 4429 3111.
If you need further information about this matter, please contact Ryan Jameson, City Futures, on 0407 856 422. Please quote Council’s reference 64806E.