Kangaroo Valley Plan of Management Review
The Shoalhaven City Council is currently reviewing the Plan of Management (PoM) for the Kangaroo Valley Showground.
The plan will provide direction as to the use and management of the Showgrounds land, which is council-managed Crown reserves classified as ‘community land’ in the Shoalhaven City Council.
This PoM is required in accordance with Section 3.23 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Section 36 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Community land is valued for its important role in the social, intellectual, spiritual and physical enrichment of residents, workers, and visitors to the Shoalhaven.
The intrinsic value of community land is also recognised, as is the important role this land plays in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem function.
The Online Survey and consultation seeks the views of residents regarding the:
- value of the site
- use of the Showground
- any current or ongoing challenges of the site
- future use envisaged for the site.
Note: This is not a ‘development’ or ‘master planning’ process. The PoM relates to the management of the land now and into the future.
The survey is open until 5pm, Thursday 3 June 2021.
For a more detailed discussion, you are welcome to drop-in to our consultation session on:
Where: Kangaroo Valley Showground (in front of the hall)
When: Wednesday 19 May 2021
Time: 8am-12noon