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Conjola Memorial Working Group - Expression of Interest
The Conjola community has shown remarkable resilience and unity in the aftermath of the devastating 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires. To honor this spirit and to recognise and remember the significant impact of the fires on the community, Shoalhaven City Council is pleased to commence a process to establish a memorial in the Conjola area.
In May 2024, Council endorsed that a process commence to establish a memorial in the Conjola area. The endorsed process for this project is built on a foundation of best practice and expert consultations, including with the Australian Red Cross and an independent disaster recovery specialist. Shoalhaven City Council staff have also consulted with councils in Victoria who responded to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, learning from their experiences in community-led recovery and memorial projects.
Aims and Objectives
Honor, recognise and remember the experiences and resilience of the Conjola and greater Shoalhaven community during and after the Black Summer bushfires.
Engage the community in a transparent and inclusive process to determine the support for, location and design of the memorial.
Establish a representative Working Group to guide the project through its various stages, ensuring it reflects the community's needs.
Create a meaningful and sustainable memorial that serves as a place of reflection and remembrance for residents and visitors alike.
Download the Conjola Memorial Project fact sheet click here.
An information session on the Conjola Memorial project will be held at the Lake Conjola Community Centre on Wednesday 12 February at 5.00pm.
Submit your Expression of Interest to be part of the Conjola Memorial Working Group
Council is now calling for expressions of interest from the community to apply to join the Conjola Memorial Project Working Group. Applicants will be asked to complete an expression of interest and will be chosen based on their skills, experience and connection to the community. Applications will be reviewed by a panel including Council representatives and independent experts.
Once the working group has been established, community engagement will begin to identify the purpose and objectives for the memorial. The community can expect interactive sessions, focus groups and surveys to establish what this memorial should represent.
To complete the Expression of Interest Form to apply to be a member of the Conjola Memorial Working Group clickhere
Applications close at 5.00pm on 3 March 2025
Conjola Memorial Working Group - Expression of Interest
The Conjola community has shown remarkable resilience and unity in the aftermath of the devastating 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires. To honor this spirit and to recognise and remember the significant impact of the fires on the community, Shoalhaven City Council is pleased to commence a process to establish a memorial in the Conjola area.
In May 2024, Council endorsed that a process commence to establish a memorial in the Conjola area. The endorsed process for this project is built on a foundation of best practice and expert consultations, including with the Australian Red Cross and an independent disaster recovery specialist. Shoalhaven City Council staff have also consulted with councils in Victoria who responded to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, learning from their experiences in community-led recovery and memorial projects.
Aims and Objectives
Honor, recognise and remember the experiences and resilience of the Conjola and greater Shoalhaven community during and after the Black Summer bushfires.
Engage the community in a transparent and inclusive process to determine the support for, location and design of the memorial.
Establish a representative Working Group to guide the project through its various stages, ensuring it reflects the community's needs.
Create a meaningful and sustainable memorial that serves as a place of reflection and remembrance for residents and visitors alike.
Download the Conjola Memorial Project fact sheet click here.
An information session on the Conjola Memorial project will be held at the Lake Conjola Community Centre on Wednesday 12 February at 5.00pm.
Submit your Expression of Interest to be part of the Conjola Memorial Working Group
Council is now calling for expressions of interest from the community to apply to join the Conjola Memorial Project Working Group. Applicants will be asked to complete an expression of interest and will be chosen based on their skills, experience and connection to the community. Applications will be reviewed by a panel including Council representatives and independent experts.
Once the working group has been established, community engagement will begin to identify the purpose and objectives for the memorial. The community can expect interactive sessions, focus groups and surveys to establish what this memorial should represent.
To complete the Expression of Interest Form to apply to be a member of the Conjola Memorial Working Group clickhere
Applications close at 5.00pm on 3 March 2025
Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 02:55 PM
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Stage 1: Establish Working Group
Conjola Memorial Project is currently at this stage
The Working Group is formed through an EOI process, inviting community members to apply.
Stage 2: Community Engagement (Memorial Objectives)
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
Mid 2025
Stage 3: Community Engagement (Memorial Location)
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
Mid 2025
Stage 4: Design Brief
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
Late 2025
Stage 5: Concept Design
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
To be advised 2026
Stage 6: Detailed Design
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
To be advised
Stage 7: Tender
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
To be advised
Stage 8: Construction
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project
To be advised
Stage 9: Opening Event
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola Memorial Project