Boongaree Parking Survey
Shoalhaven City Council is aware of the issues and community concerns regarding car parking at Boongaree, Berry.
Parking elements around such an important piece of infrastructure need to be considered in regard to the entire Boongaree project. As a result, additional measures are currently being investigated to address parking issues at Boongaree.
Taking into consideration the consultation that has already occurred for the Boongaree Master Plan, Council has decided to commence and re-open consultation with the community for proposed additional 90-degree car parking spaces along North Street, 80m west of Alexandra Street, Berry. The area impacted by the proposal is depicted in RED in the images below.
Council has prepared an online survey to obtain feedback on the above proposal and future parking identified in the Master Plan, including the long vehicle parking site.
Please provide your feedback by completing this online survey by Sunday, 10 July 2022.