Council Resolution - Additional Parking
At Council's Ordinary Meeting on 12 September 2022 (MIN22.581), it was RESOLVED:
That Council:
1. Receive the outcomes of the recent community consultation for information and further ongoing community consultation be held with respect to potential acceleration of the Stage 5 parking and the siting of long vehicle parking.
2. Progress to the development of construction ready designs and any necessary assessments for the proposed additional 90-degree car parking spaces along North Street, 80m west of Alexandra Street, Berry.
3. Progress to delivery of the additional car parking proposal as soon as possible.
4. Source funding for the additional car parking proposal, with consideration to an alteration to the Low-Cost Loan Initiative.
5. Undertake a Vehicle Turning Assessment for the entry to the proposed long vehicle parking location as per the adopted Master Plan.
6. Subject to the compliance with the Vehicle Turning Assessment proceed with the delivery of the long vehicle parking as part of Stage 5 of the adopted Master Plan.
7. Inform the community of the outcome of the Vehicle Turning Assessment and way forward.
8. Investigate opportunities to introduce appropriate safe passage measures at the intersection of North Street and Prince Alfred Street and prepare a future report to the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee.