Boongaree Update
November 2019
As the days grow longer and the pushbikes emerge from the garage, Shoalhaven City Council and Berry Rotary are riding on towards North St, where the Berry Rotary Nature Play area is waiting to emerge as a drawcard for kids of all ages, sizes and abilities. Part of the process of developing this play area is the need for a traffic plan, which will be presented at Council’s November Traffic Committee meeting for approval.
Although the space is currently dormant, there is plenty happening behind the scenes. Final designs are in the process of being completed and approvals for parking are imminent.
There is more to do, but with a spring in our step and with the assistance of the State Government; Shoalhaven City Council, Berry Rotary and the Berry Forum are collaborating to deliver a wonderful passive and recreation facility for the Berry township and the City of Shoalhaven.
For more information, please visit the Shoalhaven City Council Get Involved page: or call 4429 3111 and ask for the Social Infrastructure Planning Unit.
This project is proudly supported by the Berry Town Crier. Read the current edition of the Town Crier online now.
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