Information Sessions for Arborist and Professional Gardeners
Arborists and tree contractors are invited to attend an information session about the recent changes to the 45 Degree Rule, the new notification process and training opportunities available to upskill qualifications if required.
In June, Council resolved to amend the Shoalhaven Development Control Plan to trial changes to the 45 Degree Rule to improve the safety of tree pruning and removal and to gather data on the use of the rule across the city.
So far, more than 35 notifications have been submitted since the trial began on 16 August 2023.
This month, Council is hosting two free information sessions for arborists and tree contractors working in the Shoalhaven that will cover:
- Trial changes to the 45 Degree Rule – Council staff
- Training pathways and what’s available for qualifications – TAFE NSW
- Climbing safety, safety onsite and due diligence – Safe Work NSW
- Request for feedback about training needs – Illawarra South Coast Jobs
Where: Ulladulla Civic Centre - 81B Princes Highway
When: Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Time: 4pm to 6 pm
Where: Shoalhaven Council Administration Building - 36 Bridge Rd, Nowra
When: Thursday, 28 September 2023
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Industry professionals wanting to attend need to register through the Online RSVP form on this page, or by calling Council on 1300 293 111 by Sunday, 24 September 2023.

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